Campo Grande-MS, 26 de Setembro de 2024.

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5ª Corrida Feminina - Dia Internacional da Mulher

Studio Runners Esporte e Saúde

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Endereço: Av. Raul Pires Barbosa, 804 - Chácara Cachoeira
Telefone: (67)3027-5020

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Comentários (736):

humberto pauli 23/02/2012 07:30

gostaria de acompanhar minha esposa na corrida, pode me informar se é só pra mulheres.

Selma ribeiro 23/02/2012 11:18

Gostaria de saber como será a classificação , vai ter geral e categorias , terá chip de cronometragem, onde vejo o regulamento, abração e boa sorte na organização da prova.

Eliane Luanda 25/02/2012 09:58

Oi gostaria de saber quato é a premiação em geral e se tem masculino tbm e quantos km é a prova,e qual é acidade do evento?

Lourdes 25/02/2012 16:34

parabéns pelo incentivo da turma studio runners continue assim meus amigos

SANDRA OLIVEIRA 27/02/2012 14:01

Gostaria de saber se novatos podem participar da caminhada e qual será o tempo da mesma.

Marcos Nogueira 27/02/2012 14:03

Caro, Humberto! Veja que é uma corrida feminina!!

Sportseventos 27/02/2012 16:19

Boa tarde Pessoal, respondendo as principais dúvidas: A Corrida será participativa em comemoração ao Dia Internacional da Mulher. Haverá premiação de troféus para as 10 primeiras colocadas na categoria geral e todos receberão medalha de participação. Não haverá categoria por faixa etária e nem premiação em dinheiro. Apenas mulheres poderão fazer inscrição, porém os homens podem participar, acopanhar suas esposas e fazer o percurso sem problemas (apenas não terá direito a camiseta e medalha). Não terá chip mas os tempos de todas serão cronometrados. Para os iniciantes terá uma caminhada de 5km com acompanhamento de um treinador. Não se preocupem em relação ao tempo, pois estaremos junto com vocês. A organização conta com a participação de todos para comemorar esse dia especial, que é o Dia da Mulher. Ótima semana!!

Karina Menegucci 28/02/2012 09:56

Essa corrida é em Campo Grande? Vcs não colocam a cidade no folder,... somente o endereço... quem é de fora fica sem saber qual cidade será... obrigada

Sportseventos 28/02/2012 11:54

Bom dia Karina, será em Campo Grande/MS. Realmente faltou essa informação.

Valdirene 28/02/2012 23:37

por favor poderiam me informar,se o valor de R$25,00 também é valor para a caminhada

Sportseventos 29/02/2012 11:41

Bom dia Valdirene, é o mesmo valor para caminhada. Todos receberão camiseta e medalha de participação.

Marisângela 29/02/2012 22:51

Qualquer mulher pode participar? Não faço parte da runners e gostaria de participar, posso?

Sportseventos 01/03/2012 10:33

Olá Marisângela, pode sim!! todas as mulheres podem participar. Essa corrida é aberta para população em geral para comemorar o Dia Internacional da Mulher. Os alunos do Runners irão apenas participar como qualquer outro inscrito. Esperamos você!!

igor- 03/03/2012 18:38

oi sport eventos sera que este ano vai te mais corrdia do que o ano passadp?

Sportseventos 07/03/2012 01:02

Olá Igor, ainda não temos a programação das corridas desde ano mas esperamos que sim...

igor 07/03/2012 22:57

o sport eventos meu pai ja foi da runners o Julio cesar e vc is tiram foto de nois direto abraços valeu

Sportseventos - Correção 09/03/2012 20:41

De acordo com o regulamento a participação da atleta na prova é estritamente individual sendo proibido o auxílio, o acompanhamento de atletas por treinadores, assossorias, amigos, familiares, com bicicleta ou outros meios, resultarão na desclassificação da participante. Portanto, retificando a informação em um dos comentários acima, pedimos desculpas por possíveis transtornos. Equipe Sportseventos

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I sing in a choir bief xxx Hopes for a deal on Iran's nuclear ambitions rose when Obamaspoke by telephone last month with Iran's new president, HassanRouhani, a self-described moderate. It was the highest levelcontact between the two countries since the 1979 IslamicRevolution that led to students taking Americans hostage in theU.S. Embassy in Tehran. lolicon megasesso movie onl Despite blowing a lead late to the Rams, Larry Fitzgerald's got more to look forward to this season than at any point in the post-Kurt Warner era. He's got a quarterback in Carson Palmer who resembles Joe Montana in comparison to the other mounds of manure he's dealt with. And he absolutely loves rookie Tyrann Mathieu. jbr jasti six Economists have endless debates about how (not to mention how much) this "quantitative easing," or QE, helps the economy. One idea is that it pushes yields on safe-haven assets so low that would-be buyers look instead to riskier investments like junk bonds and stocks, making individual investors feel richer and, it is hoped, more willing to spend and invest. rajashree sex In a new study presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), growth hormone replacement for six months was found to increase bone formation in abdominally obese women. sadaf taherian Kennedy's stature as a close Obama ally and leading member of a storied U.S. political dynasty sends a strong signal about the value the United States places on the relationship. Japan's ambassador to Washington, Kenichiro Sasae, attended the hearing.

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M1Ilz 20/04/2020 00:37

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I'm not working at the moment as panteras o subrinho do meu marido Morningstar analyst Michael Waterhouse said Teva shares werelittle affected by the unfavorable court ruling because manyanalysts and investors had already assumed that Copaxone, whichhad sales of $4 billion last year, would face competition fromat least one generic in 2014. mlade ruskinje pornografija The question that defines the debate is not so much whether government steps helped, but whether it could have done more to accelerate the recovery. Many Democrats and liberal-leaning economists say the economy needed more stimulus. But Republicans, worried about skyrocketing deficits, cut back on spending instead. patna xxx video 4pm Intended parents typically pay the surrogate between $22,000and $30,000, an agency fee of about $17,000 to $20,000 and legalfees of up to $13,000. If egg donation is required, that cancost an additional $15,000 and pre-natal care and delivery feescan run between $9,000 and $16,000. mrs folks mfhm Money-grubbing ghouls flocked to the Overland Park Arboretum in Kansas and dug in a frenzy for $200,000 in gold and silver coins before it was revealed to be all for naught, said KSHB-TV in Kansas City. 30883 mature bent over Direct-marketing ads, which include search ads and many banners, that are measured by the click continued to dominate, with 65% of the overall market. But that was down two percentage points from a year ago, signaling that brands are starting to spend more online for image-oriented advertising.

kK7UBd 20/04/2020 06:15

i'm fine good work xnxnxn prn Primary amongst those is spectrum-sharing, initially using a geographical database of available bands. This particular alternative is being trialled in the UK (and deployed in the USA). Ofcom would like to dispose of the databases, but accepts they will be needed until a major breakthrough in sensing technology. gujarat sex jgl Gordon Taylor, chief executive of the Professional Footballers' Association, does not believe there is a "cast-iron" buy-out clause and, as he understands the situation, Liverpool are not under any obligation to sell. lacey chabert fappening Earlier in the day, a Nairobi newspaper reported that footage from closed-circuit cameras showed Kenyan soldiers stealing money from cash registers at an abandoned supermarket at the mall within hours of the terrorist attack. amateuretsexe kukkolossex hu Samsung comes out swinging with a 2,560x1,600-pixel resolution (WQXGA) for its 10.1-inch display. This is a huge spike from the 1,280x800 resolution in last year's model, and the 299 pixel density makes a difference on the Note 10.1's Super Clear LCD screen. Colors are bold and beautiful on automatic brightness settings, and text, images, and video look crisp. This is important for a device so centered around content creation. If you keep track of these things, this 2014 edition has a slightly higher pixel density than Apple's fourth-edition iPad (299 versus 264). twoo lesbians fingering each other 12. How much worse will we see LaLurie get? Bates warns it will get "much worse. This season is very much about race and having grown up in a segregated South, it resonates for me in a lot of ways," she says of the real-life horrors of slavery. "There was a code that governed how slaves could be treated and though that existed, it was pretty lenient and people ran roughshod over what they could do to people."

VLKRG3 20/04/2020 07:11

What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas? xxww18 Now that the verdict is in, Zimmerman is a free man. But he may have to go into hiding and be unable to live a normal life for some time, said Jose Baez, the defense attorney who successfully defended Casey Anthony, a Florida mother accused of killing her daughter in a high-profile capital murder case. porno servy At the debate, each candidate catalogued the ills of the âÂ?Â?other New York,âÂ? detailing a host of âÂ?Â?crisesâÂ? in housing, jobs, education and so on, and their plans for advocating for âÂ?Â?the most vulnerable.âÂ? None seemed to have a serious idea for how they would square these ambitions with the officeâÂ?Â?s limited mandate and scant budget. tkw semok pamer pepek SIR – Malcolm Allsop concludes that vets love their customers more than doctors because they are still open at 8pm. He presumably takes comfort in the knowledge that his local 24-hour Tesco must love him very much. xxx haibaniyt ihdia viodes The United States, Germany and the Netherlands each sent two Patriot batteries to southeastern Turkey this year after Ankara asked NATO to strengthen its defenses against possible missile attack from Syria. wwwxxx12 years The mugger, believed to be a homeless man, came up behind Billington and bashed him in the back of the head with what his girlfriend told police appeared to be a brick wrapped in a cloth, the source said. Billington fell to the ground and the assailant hit him again in the face with the brick before searching his pockets for money, the source said.

JvCkw 20/04/2020 08:07

How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? erman ex lub "Clearly, Kerry wants it more than Netanyahu or Abbas," said Elliott Abrams, who served as a deputy national security adviser under Republican U.S. President George W. Bush and was involved in Bush's failed push for a peace agreement by the end of 2008. lelo ina porn Human activities are changing the basic chemistry of many rivers in the Eastern U.S. in ways that have potentially major consequences for urban water supplies and aquatic ecosystems, a University of Maryland-led study has found. augi ata amms He said if it was established that what Ocado was providingwas no longer "industry-leading", Morrisons could exit the deal."With that context around that protection I think you actuallylook at the 25-year agreement in a different way," said Strain. shishuder sex Revenue in Morgan Stanley's wealth management businessincreased 8 percent to $3.48 billion, while the business'spretax profit margin edged up to 19 percent, getting closer toChief Executive James Gorman's target of a minimum 20 percent. he mummy1131513 "One of the first acts of a new Labour government will be touse all the money that (Prime Minister) David Cameron wants tospend helping 80,000 big businesses to cut business rates for1.5 million shops, pubs, workshops and hi-tech firms," Milibandwill tell activists in the southern English resort of Brighton.

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Wzo6P 20/04/2020 12:47

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7syq5J 20/04/2020 16:40

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rdRxv 20/04/2020 18:52

Can I use your phone? big ayte This follows on the heels of the painful decision that Israel was forced to make when it agreed to release more than a thousand convicted killers to end the horrific five year captivity of Gilad Schalit, the kidnapped Israeli soldier who was held, incommunicado in Gaza, for five long years under circumstances that violated every single protocol of the Geneva Conventions including the refusal by Hamas to allow the International Red Cross access. bal bharati school rewa mp "It could be interpreted as more monetary stimulus ... which contributes to lower longer term yields, hence stimulates economic ability," according to research by the New York Federal Reserve, which added that on the downside it could be seen as "revealing negative news about the state of the economy". ako gare no aku san "You had some very powerful Democrat officials here, whether it be Bill Clinton or [former Governor] Dale Bumpers or David Pryor, that sort of held the Democratic coalition together," said Clint Reed, former southeast regional director for the Republican National Committee and a former executive Director of the Arkansas Republican Party. "When I say Democratic coalition I mean older white males. We've seen that erode across the south and one of the last places is in Arkansas." missfantasyy chaturbate The common consumer expectation, CSPI argues, is that yogurt is naturally colored by the fruit. But "instead of relying entirely on strawberries, raspberries, cherries, or other healthy wholesome fruit, Dannon sometimes uses an extract made from the pulverized, dead bodies of cochineal insects to give its yogurts fruity red colors. It’s deceptive and gross. But for some, cochineal insects (usually labeled as carmine on food labels) can trigger a dangerous allergic reaction," the petition reads. zhang yamei Angry parents turned on health staff after their children became sick and forced them to lock themselves inside their building for safety until police arrived. The incident follows the Bihar midday meal tragedy in July when 23 children died after eating a lunch which had been accidentally contaminated with pesticide.

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qjUMfO 20/04/2020 23:37

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2hUXi 21/04/2020 00:33

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IsK4Cj 21/04/2020 05:12

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YoU9c 24/04/2020 21:37

How much notice do you have to give? zavadi mulgi Allan Ahlberg, 75, is a children’s author who has written more than 150 books. His best-known are collaborations with his late wife, the illustrator Janet Ahlberg, including Peepo!, Each Peach Pear Plum and The Jolly Postman. His first book for adults, The Bucket, about his childhood in a Black Country town in the 1940s, is out now. Ahlberg lives in Bath with his second wife, Vanessa. He has a daughter, Jessica, and two step-daughters, Saskia and Johanna.

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